
Political Wisdom

  • Politics is neither my interest nor my thing. I practice medicine as a career. Aside that i love philosophy. I love truth and wisdom. Nevertheless, you can't do without politics any where in the world. It is part of our everyday life. It connects the world in one way or the other.

Politics is neither my interest nor my thing. I practise medicine as a career. Aside that i love philosophy. I love truth and wisdom. Nevertheless, you can’t do without politics any where in the world. It is part of our everyday life. It connects the world in one way or the other.
In African politics, corruption, greed, self-centredness, lack of vision, love for wealth and money is more than love for the people, etc., are very common.

In the Republic of Ghana politics today, however anybody sees it, there are two brothers who in my view are wise politically. The Jinapor brothers(Abu and John). Each is on the either side of the two major political parties in the country. It is an act not very much common anywhere in the world. The two brothers, though in partisan politics hardly insult each other, they respect each other’s choices, views and put much energy into their various political sides. When one is not in Government, the other will surely be, and thus ‘money’ will always come home. This is a commendable decision by the two brothers in a country where partisan politics is so polarised-members of one political party do not see anything good about the other or hardly commend the good works of the other.

 Truth is bitter but it always got to be told. Lovers of philosophy adore truth and wisdom. African politics lack vision, good leaders and habour leaders who are always ready to exploit their people.
When one says the truth, he is hated by the other person who the truth does not favour. Infact not everyone who got education through school is wise. Education does not necessarily make a person wise. They are two distinct entities.

 One Ghanaian born American, Christopher Dargbe, residing in the USA, is one person who always lectures his colleagues back home on the necessity of political wisdom through social media.
A lot of people would not learn from him because their genes(DNA) are full of dirty political partisanship.

African politics will continue to be stagnant with lack of vision as long as Africans lack political wisdom.

Lawson Ametorwoyorna.
A.k.a Mankind.


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