
The Blame

There is always something or someone to blame if anything or situation goes wrong at any place. It’s just normal and natural. The blame game is just part of human life. However, it is out of place and wrong when the blame is directed at the wrong thing or source.

He gave the example of a plumber sending an invoice, and how they can tell if someone starts to create an invoice and can’t make it through the whole process. For a small business entrepreneur, “that’s a big deal because that means they’re not going to get paid, which means that tuition payment for their kid in college may be in jeopardy. So we take that really, really seriously.”

There are problems that need solving everyday everywhere in the world. It is easier in some places in the world and more difficult in other places due to the approach and mentality of those finding solutions to the problems. In Africa and to a larger extent the black race, problems without better solutions are synonymous with life and the lifestyle of the people. The people always blame their leaders for most of their woes, misfortunes and problems. It is interesting and surprising how a continent with more than half of the world’s natural resources would still be the poorest and always begging the West and the East for common favours. Bob Marley once said, “in the abundance of water the fool is thirsty”. Albert Einstein defined insanity as, ‘doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’. Which of these should it be?
The African continent or the black race to a larger extent is immersed and submerged with disease, hunger, poverty, lack of vision and ideas in the abundance of vast natural resources and fertile lands. Should black and African leaders really be blamed for all the problems and misfortunes of the black race and Africa? These leaders are our grandparents, parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, in laws, friends, people we grew up and went to school with, etc. These leaders are just representatives of the people exhibiting what any other person in their position will do.
The fundamental problem stems from the genes, blood and the mental faculty(mindset) of the black race which is being transferred onto generations. Most human races have been colonised but have moved on well after being freed decades ago by their colonial masters. But the black race, many a time, blames it’s misfortunes on it’s colonial masters and oppressors. This is mental slavery. Of course there are notable exceptions and there will always be exceptions just as in every law and rule.
The truth is always bitter and unpleasant to the ears but it always got to be told. Africa is what it is because Africans are what they are.

Until there is a massive cleansing of the genes, blood and the mental faculty(mindset), of the black race, the hope and dream, of a better tomorrow and future, would always be an illusion and mirage in glare and stark reality.

~Lawson Ametorwoyorna.
A.k.a. Mankind.
(15th September, 2015).



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