Site icon Mankind

Our Society Today

When two or more people(especially two) agree to do business, they don’t inform the masses(or the world).
Their friends, relatives, etc., do not hear or even know the when and where the planning and undertaking take place.
More so when everything goes on well and there are profits to share and benefit. The benefactors do not even inform the public to also take the same path and gain.

But as soon as the business goes south(ends badly), and especially if it is the fault of one partner, the victim wants the masses(the world) to know, and be sympathised with. The victims now want the unsuspecting public to beware of their defaulters so that they do not fall victims as well.

The bad deeds or faults of people are touted higher and louder by their victims more than the good deeds.

~Lawson Ametorwoyorna.
A.k.a. Mankind.