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Expectations and Realities

As the year is gradually coming to an end, and the new year beckons, the expectations of people will be increasingly high. It is natural that people will be wishing and praying for good and better things to happen in their lives in the new year. Some will pray for good health, long life, prosperity, promotions at work places, acquisition of higher education, luxury and material things, travelling abroad, etc. It will also be the dream of others to marry, and the sick will want to recover and get better and so on. Nobody will really want anything bad to happen to him or her.

Nevertheless, what is bound and destined to happen in the new year will happen. Just as there cannot be positive without negative so good cannot exist without bad. It’s a natural order.

 Actually, not everything or everybody will enter the new year. Not every prayer will also be answered. Some will also experience challenges, difficulties, and obstacles in their endeavours in contrast to their wishes and prayers. Not every dream will also be realised. Expectations and wishes will be high but reality will always dawn. Sometimes it’s not good to expect too much because that too much can hurt so much. It’s always a natural mystic.

There will always be expectations but not all will become realities.

Lawson Ametorwoyorna.
A.k.a Mankind.
(13th November, 2018)