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Pope, Cardinal, Archbishop, Bishop, Reverend father, Pastor

Pope Francis hailed "the saints who live next door" during the COVID-19 pandemic, saying doctors and others who are still working are heroes. The pope is seen here celebrating Palm Sunday Mass behind closed doors because of the coronavirus.

“Pope, Cardinal, Archbishop, Bishop, Reverend father, Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Deacon, etc., are titles of people who head the various religious denominations or do the work of God.
Take away the titles from the people who hold them, they are just like any other human being who loves pleasure, sex, gets attracted to good women, likes to travel, aims for good and higher education, loves to have family and children, admires and wants to own big mansions, loves expensive cars etc.
But at the end of the day, God will look into our hearts, not faces, not appearances, not names and judge us.”


Lawson Ametorwoyorna
A.k.a Mankind.