
Reality Brought To Light

There is no material thing worth dying for. All the material things being craved for today, there would be better modifications and inventions of those things in years to come.

Decades ago, landline phones were the pride of their owners. Today, there are mobile phones.
A lady left the boyfriend in the early 2000s because of Nokia 3310 another man bought for her. Today, that mobile phone would be an embarrassment to that lady, because of the availability of smart mobile phones, like iphones and android phones.

In the mid 1990s, a man killed his brother, for money rituals, to buy the rave of that moment, an opel omega. Today, there are better makes and models of cars, like Porsche, lambourghini, ferrari, bugatti and the like.

Remember, there is absolutely no material thing worth dying for.

         Lawson Ametorwoyorna
A.k.a. Mankind.
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