
Man-made and Natural laws

Every society has laws written by people to guide them. Countries call it ‘The Constitution’. The rule of law is good for every sane society. Rules are rules, for without them, we are like savages.
Most at times the written laws are amended or changed to suit or favour certain situations or conditions. Of course change is not static. It is a continuous process. There will always be change. Sometimes the elite and influential in society change the laws to suit their personal ambitions. And if not changed, they make sure it does not apply to them depending on the circumstances. There are systems in place to punish those who fall short of man made laws.

Nature on the other hand has its own laws. Natural laws are not written by anybody or country. They exist on their own. They cannot be amended or changed by anybody irrespective of that persons social status, religion, race, sex, nationality, political ideology or colour. Natural laws respect no one. They do not need anybody’s interpretation or application to be carried out. If you offend nature, you will not be forgiven. Nature will fight you back. Nature can neither be bribed nor manipulated.
Typical examples of unwritten natural laws.
1. Disease is no respector of persons.
2.For somebody to rise to the top, someone else must fall(just like a seesaw) etc.

There are some unwritten laws of nature. Their impact on humanity is far greater than the man-made laws.
-Lawson Ametorwoyorna.
A.k.a Mankind.

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