
Using Your Talents To Benefit Others

Nobody is an embodiment of total knowledge. You learn from others and you teach them what you know as well.
Learning is a continuous process. It never ends till you die.

“Nunya adidoe wonye, asi metune` oo”(knowledge is like the baobab tree, ‘Adansonia gigitata’, the hands will never touch each other when it is embraced)~An Ewe proverb.
Mr. Godwin Keteku made a comment somewhere in october 2016, and i learnt from it to improve upon what i know.
It is a known fact that lot of people learn from others even if they don’t acknowledge it. And because some people despise what others teach, just for despising sake, or because of envy, they insult, lambast, and criticise unconstructively(signs of inner hatred).

Nothing exists for itself in this world. No one trains as teacher to teach himself.
If one cannot add anything positive to someone’s life, only a lesson can be learnt from one’s negativity towards that person. Hatred only destroys the hater.
If antinomianism is one’s choice, one should not use it to judge others. No human being is God.

There is always a choice. Life is all about choices, though there are somethings you cannot choose, and those are exceptions.

~Lawson Ametorwoyorna.
A.k.a Mankind.
(08/01/ 2017)

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