Site icon Mankind

I’m On Earth To Inspire Others

I was born a stubborn stammerer. There were times in my formative years when i had to hold objects before i could talk. There were times i had to make body gestures before i carried messages across.

The years 1994 to 1997 were the best years in my academic life. These were years i really had problems with speech. Yet i devised ways of answering a lot of questions in class. I was never the least bothered. I partook in quizzes, discussions, be it what may. I always found my way to make myself heard no matter how difficult it took me. My only mission was never to allow my challenges in speech to define me.
By mid 1997, my school awarded me the best student in academic work. In that same year, the district director of education, awarded me as the second best student in a district exams for some selected students from various schools in the district.

Today, i speak far better than 20 years ago. When i speak, people ask me whether i was born and raised in the West. Infact i rattle and speak the Queen’s language fluently at any speed. Glory be to God.

Don’t let your liabilities and challenges determine your future. Look beyond them.

~Lawson Ametorwoyorna
A.k.a. Mankind.
(December, 2015)