Respect is reciprocal. If you don't respect yourself or others, do you expect to be respected?
By Mankind
1 Mins read
Lawson AmetorwoyornaA.k.a. Mankind.
Lawson AmetorwoyornaA.k.a. Mankind.
Lawson AmetorwoyornaA.k.a. Mankind.
Lawson AmetorwoyornaA.k.a. Mankind.
Lawson AmetorwoyornaA.k.a. Mankind.
Lawson AmetorwoyornaA.k.a. Mankind.
Everybody should get married at your time?Are you the standard for marriage?If the one who drives a range rover, asked you whether…
“Pope, Cardinal, Archbishop, Bishop, Reverend father, Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Deacon, etc., are titles of people who head the various religious denominations or…
When those in authority cannot account for the funds or monies entrusted in their care
By Mankind
1 Mins read
When those in authority cannot account for the funds or monies entrusted in their care, society garnishes, polishes and camouflages it as…