‘Artificial’ intelligence: learning and memorising facts discovered, invented, experimented, proven and written down by others, passing a lot of exams by reproducing…
Money is very good. We all know what money can do. Money can do bad things as well. This is because every…
Life is about choices but just as there are exceptions to every rule, so there are some things you cannot choose. For…
There is no material thing worth dying for. All the material things being craved for today, there would be better modifications and…
“Pope, Cardinal, Archbishop, Bishop, Reverend father, Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Deacon, etc., are titles of people who head the various religious denominations or…
When those in authority cannot account for the funds or monies entrusted in their care
By Mankind
1 Mins read
When those in authority cannot account for the funds or monies entrusted in their care, society garnishes, polishes and camouflages it as…
A wise man once said, “It is not the music being played that makes a person emotional but the people and things…
Bob Marley did not go to any university to get degrees in philosophy, literature and music.He got natural degrees in those subjects…